December 2020 Income Report

Crochet income report

Why Share My Income

The journey from hobby to career has been a learning experience. I’m still learning every day. Making money with yarn is not an easy task, but it can be done. I hope to inspire you to follow your dream and make an income doing what you love. 

December Happenings

2020 has been a crazy year for me and everyone else on the planet. I’m so happy to put it behind me. It wasn’t all bad. This year I was finally able to quit my day job to crochet full time. It was perfect timing! Now I’m able to work from home while homeschooling my child during the pandemic.

 If you are wondering, “how in the world is she doing this”, then check out my blog post that details my sources of income and how I make money selling crochet. It’s just not as simple as selling a crochet hat. I recommend having multiple sources of income.

Make money crocheting

Traditionally, December has always been my highest income month & boy was this my biggest month EVER! I stepped up my game and created more blog posts, which in turn has increased my views. Just 1.5 years ago, I had no clue how to run a blog, let alone make money from it. This month reached 67,000 page views. With enough hard work, I’ll reach 100,000 views a month before 2021 is out.  

If you are interested in learning how to start your own blog, I recommend using Bluehost. You can start a blog for only $2.95 a month. I have been using it for 3 years without complaint. Click HERE, if you would like to learn more about starting a crochet blog  

What truly put me over the edge this month was sponsorships and affiliate marking. I decided to stop waiting for companies to reach out to me for sponsorships. In doing so I earned $520 way up from the $0 last month, lol. The opportunity for making money is always there, you just need to find it. 

My affiliate sales were off the charts this month due in part to being a designer in the “Crochet for Me” pattern bundle. This bundle featured 41 crochet designers & 56 patterns. Whoever sold the most pattern in 6 days, won a $100 gift. Guess who sold the most out of 41 designers? THIS GIRL HERE! I sold over $1000 during that time. Not to toot my own horn, but I even impressed myself.

My key to such high volume sales is marketing.  I always say, “Be everywhere”. How are people going to make a purchase if they can’t find your work? Marketing is the key to success. If you are serious about making this your career consider reading my book, “The Secret To Selling Crochet”.

December Earnings

Crochet income report
  • Ezoic $822
  • Adsense $4,697.23
  • Teespring $359
  • Book Sales $86.12
  • Patterns $790
  • Affiliate Sales $1,345
  • Award $100
  • Sponsorship $520

Total $8,719

The purpose of these blog posts is not to show off, it is to encourage fellow crocheters on their journey. Through blogging, Etsy sales & affiliate marketing, I am finally able to leave my job!

If you would like to follow my crochet entrepreneur journey, then you can check out November’s Income Report. 

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